Welcome to the website of the Coalition and its Movement!
Colloque international Agriculture, biodiversité et sécurité alimentaire : des engagements aux actions
* This article is only available in French * La Coalition a participé, en mai dernier à Québec, au Colloque internationale Agriculture, biodiversité et sécurité alimentaire : des engagements en actions.
La Coalition Nourrir l’humanité durablement aux Rencontres du Mont-Blanc à Carthagène
* This article is only available in French * Du 17 au 19 octobre derniers, avaient lieu à Carthagène en Colombie, la 10e édition des Rencontres du Mont-Blanc. La...
Lancement public de la proposition de Convention internationale pour une alimentation durable
* This article is only available in French * Le 16 novembre 2023, la Coalition Nourrir l’humanité durablement (NHD), en collaboration avec la Chaire de recherche en droit sur la diversité et la sécurité alimentaires (DDSA), ont officiellement dévoilé la proposition de Convention internationale.
The Feeding Humanity Sustainably Movement

Since the dawn of time, modes of producing and eating food have arisen in all societies in accordance with their environment and culture.
The world’s nations have also invariably understood the value of trading the best they have to offer with other nations, including their agricultural products and food customs.
But in the last few decades, the international legal framework has seen a growing imbalance between the provisions governing free international trade and those created to protect biodiversity, safeguard the environment, and sustain agricultural resources and cultural diversity.
The challenge before us is to restore balance to this international legal framework in order to increase food autonomy and food security in all countries, as well as to relieve pressure on natural resources such as soil and water, all while maintaining the benefits of globalization and commerce.
This is why our Coalition, in collaboration with the Legal Research Chair in Food Diversity and Security of Université Laval, is proposing the adoption of an International Convention for Sustainable Food aimed to establish an international legal framework dedicated to food security – balancing trade and non-trade considerations related to it. This proposal, drafted by the research Chair and promoted by the Coalition, will become an essential incentive for international negotiations on food security.
The Coalition
At the heart of our actions
In recent years, the Coalition has made advancing this idea our primary mission, specifically through the creation of an international legal instrument, which was proposed by the Legal Research Chair in Food Diversity and Security at Laval University. Currently, our advocacy takes the form of the Feeding Humanity Sustainably movement, a large-scale effort which requires support from as many organizations and personalities as possible to advance our aims nationally and internationally.

Coalition Board of Directors

Marcel Groleau

Gérald Larose

Sylvain Lapierre
President of the Fédération des producteurs d’œufs du Québec

Simone Fournier

Hugo Beauregard-Langelier

Pierre Alexandre Blouin

Jean-Pierre Denis

Anne Dionne

Isabelle Roy

Gaël Chantrel
General Manager Moisson Maurice – Center of Quebec

Sylvain Morel
Vice-President, Business Relations and Agricultural and Agri-Food Market Development, Desjardins Entreprises

Serge Lebeau

Magali Delomier

Geneviève Parent

Maxim Labrecque